Vivid dreams last night. Could feel the warm blood splashing against my face as the creature tore my friend’s arm off…
I was trapped with some friends in some prehistoric alternative reality where 21st Century man was locked into a desperate struggle against seething hordes of creatures ranging from tiny killer insects up to giant carniverous reptiles. Chase, evade, fight ensued going between overgrown buildings and then abruptly the setting changed to being trapped on rocks off the coast of some temperate land. There were several of us scattered on various rocks – all separated from each other except me and a friend who were on a small rock that was covered with slimy creatures. The water was fairly clear and we could see it teeming with life. We knew they’d be bigger dangers down there, but we had no choice but to swim across to a larger rock that was closer to the coast. As soon as we dove in we could see gigantic shark-like creatures (again more prehistoric than modern day). We swam like hell and managed to scramble onto the rock just in the nick of time. As we stood there, panting and staring at the water one of these massive creatures leapt out of the water and tore my friend’s arm off. Blood splashed all over me and I awoke still feeling my flesh crawl with the sensation of warm blood on my face.