Well, what can I say? In mere weeks the world has changed. And most likely for good. In early March I had had the busiest last 12 months of my acting career, in fact 4 short films just in the last 4 weeks of Feb/March. I also had no less than 6 jobs coming up in March/April and a feature film in the summer, along with multiple performances of The Life of Reilly. In the blink of an eye that all ended. My acting career on hold for god knows how long. But I’m fit and healthy and so are my family and friends (please please let it stay that way), so I could be far far worse off, as many people are. I put some of my thoughts into a poem of sorts. Here it is. Stay safe and healthy, guys and please please stay at home and adhere to social distancing rules to help slow the spread of this horrific pandemic.