I knew my Grandad had been in the RAF during World War II, but until the discovery of his war diaries we had no idea exactly what he had been through.  They were a couple of battered old books written in pencil and they detailed his day to day thoughts and events during his time as a prisoner of war.  My step mum took on the huge task of preserving them by typing them up.  So many people began expressing an interest that we decided to publish them (at first for family, but as interest continued to grow we decided to open it up to general release).  The P.O.W. Wartime Log of F/Sgt T.D.Glenn is the finished result and has been published by Wild Wolf.  It has been a real labour of love for Roz and I, but we couldn’t be prouder of the end result.  It is a fascinating personal account of the day to day struggles of an ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances.  If you get a chance have a quick look at it HERE.